August 1, 2023
Iconic Island Races premium
The beginning of the month started with an awesome blast around the Island. The Round the Island race is an iconic annual event and this year it was a blustery affair. The conditions may well have accounted for the difference between the 1100 entrants and the 838 that ultimately made it across the finish line.…
July 3, 2023
As one race ends, another begins…. premium
The Summer Solstice, and final month, of The Ocean Race has been packed full of drama. This six month quest of racing around the world has delivered as much excitement in the final few days as we have seen in the previous five months. The fleet arrived in Aarhus with Biotherm, having saved their rig…
June 2, 2023
Fast and fabulous premium
May has been a busy month and it feels that a great deal of change has taken place. It started in San Francisco, with the Season 3 finale of Sail GP. The conditions were perfect and the competition was tight for a place in the final 3 racing to win $1million. It was a final…
May 4, 2023
Let’s get the season started premium
I was delighted to make the most of being based at home for the month of April. It enabled me to maintain a regular physical training regime and manage my eating well so that I am ready for what lays in store for the month of May and beyond. It also provided the opportunity to…
April 6, 2023
Egg-cited for Easter premium
Last month was all about getting back into training and back on the water again. March had all the weather combinations you could imagine, although none of them particularly warm. One of the days I spent on the water it was impossible to tell whether it was raining, sleeting or snowing at one point. In…
March 2, 2023
‘It is not the mountain we conquer…. premium
…..but ourselves’ – Edmund Hillary February may be the shortest month of the year but I seem to have packed a lot into this one. With plenty of new and exciting activities that have pushed me beyond my comfort zone, I am really enjoying a period of personal growth. At the start of the month,…
February 2, 2023
National Oceanography Centre premium
It was towards the end of last year that I was invited to attend an open day at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in Southampton. I was intrigued to learn more and went along with an open mind. The mission of the centre is to make sense of the changing seas, upon which future human prosperity…
January 5, 2023
Sailing into 2023 premium
Have you met the New Year feeling deflated and a little overwhelmed at what may lie ahead? Do you need some inspiration to recover your mojo and get through these dark winter months? Well, rest assured, January’s sailing events hold the key, and it all starts this weekend. The Ocean Race gets underway with the…
December 23, 2022
Merry Christmas One & All premium
Wishing a very Happy Christmas to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues.  As we near the end of 2022, I leave you with a quote from Smith and Burrows from the song, ‘When the Thames froze.’ “The end of Christmas day, when there is nothing left to say. The years go by so fast, let’s…
December 5, 2022
Stretching out the sailing premium
I tried something new for November and I have to say I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I completed a Pilates course using the reformer, tower and other equipment. Going on looks alone, the reformer could be mistaken for a medieval rack but, whilst it was challenging, it fell short of torture! The…